Charis Women’s Ministry
“Grounded in the Word of God to equip, encourage and empower women to deepen their faith, to share the gospel boldly, and serve Christ and His church.”
Women’s Gathering & Retreat
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you Three to four times a year we gather as women, for Biblical teaching, worship and discussion,
In October, we all get away together for our annual retreat. We have focused time in God’s Word, worship, and discussion groups. We included rest and down time to feel refreshed and renewed heading back home.
Bible Studies
In this 7-session study, Bible teachers, authors, and friends Jackie Hill Perry, Jasmine Holmes, and Melissa Kruger walk through the book of Ephesians, examining the invaluable truths Paul’s letter holds for us today. Along the way, they’ll help us understand the riches of our inheritance as daughters of our heavenly Father, as well as what it means to walk in a manner worthy of our calling.
Mondays Evenings
Feb 25 -April 7th
Friday Mornings
Feb 28- April 11
Grab your book on Amazon or Lifeway. Make sure it is with video Access
Scattered throughout year we have times where we just get together to be friends.
Stuff Swap- Browse from each others own closets! Free, fun way to find second hand or purge your stuff!
Supper@6- Dinner out with ladies
Ice Cream Social- Giggles and Sprinkles together
Flower Day- Enjoy a morning at a flower farm picking a free bouquet
Better together is our formal discipleship. If you would like to meet intentionally with a women further along in her faith so you can grow in the understanding of the gospel this is for you!