Events @ Charis
Questions about events? Email

Women's Ice Cream Social
Join the women of Charis for a night of fellowship and ice cream!

TGC's Women's Conference
The TGC ‘24 Women’s Conference is filling up, and the hotels are filling up faster! Starting on March 1st, the price for the conference is $239, but you can still register and use the code “CHARIS20” for a discount!
If you have purchased tickets, please let us know by clicking on “TGCW conference hotel logistics” under “signups” on the Church Center App (click here for a direct link). This list will allow the Women’s Ministry to help you find a roommate! Please note that we are unable to book rooms on your behalf.
We will have this signup open until March 17th!

Charis Work Week
Charis will be having a work week! There will be specific time blocks where you can sign up. The time blocks will be 8:00 - 12:00, 1:00 - 5:00 and 6:00 - 10:00. For further questions, details or if you would like one of those blocks, please contact April Kinzinger at

Camp Charis Registration
Camp Charis Registration is now open! Please click here if you are interested in having your child attend.

Discover Class
If you are new to Charis or are interested in learning more, please consider attending our Charis Discovery class.

Charis Men's Morning
Join Charis men for their monthly meeting while gather together for fellowship and work through the book The Masculine Mandate: God’s Calling to Men by Richard Phillips.

Ascension of the Lord Feast
Join us for an evening as we reflect on the role Jesus now plays as our mediator and we celebrate his authority and access together as a church.

Old Testament Learning Lab: The Book of Isaiah
Join us for a five week learning lab covering the book of Isaiah. The lab will begin on Tuesday, April 16 from 6:30 to 8pm. This lab is part one of a three part study of the book of Isaiah and will cover background information of the prophet Isaiah and the historical context in which he spoke.

Charis Camp Volunteer Training
If you have signed up to be a volunteer for Camp Charis, please attend our training.

Women's Supper Social @ 6
This is a chance to go out to dinner and get to know more ladies at Charis. This will take place throughout the month of April! Please answer the questions below and we will let you know when, where and your dinner host!

Maundy Thursday Service & Feast
Join us on 3/28 from 5:30-7pm for our Maundy Thursday service and feast! Make sure to sign up on the Church Center App so that we can get an accurate headcount for the meal (click here for a direct link to sign up).

Monthly Prayer Meeting
Join us each month as we seek the Lord together! Each meeting with include worship as well as a 4-Focus Concert of Prayer. We will focus on God (praise and thanks), ourselves (repentance and confession), the world (peace and evangelism), and Charis (vision and provision). Let’s make these meetings a priority for our families each month!
Join us for March’s meeting on the 12th from 6-7pm!
As we desire for all to come and experience this time of praying together, we would love to share the load of working childcare during our prayer meetings. Let’s join together as members to serve one another! The hope is that if all members committed to volunteering in this way, then each person would only have to serve once a year.
Click here to sign up to work childcare at this upcoming March Prayer Meeting, or to sign up for a future Prayer Meeting!

Discovery Class
Are you new to Charis? Or want to learn more about Charis’ vision and beliefs? Plan to stay after church on Sunday, 3/10 for the Charis Discovery Class.
Click here to RSVP!
*Note, this is not a membership class. Just a “who we are” class!