Welcome, so glad you’re here
Join Us For Worship Every Sunday at 10 am
We have coffee waiting for you when you come. Most people dress casually. If this is your first time, stop by our Welcome Desk on your way in to introduce yourself.
1306 E Empire St,
Bloomington, IL 61701
We loved to get to know you. Click on Connect with Charis and someone with reach out soon!
What do I do with my Kids?
Charis Kids is a loving, safe environment where kids grow in the knowledge of Gospel.
We offer age-appropriate lessons that engage their hearts and mind with love of Christ.
All our volunteers are background checked and we have a check-out process to keep all kids safe while they are in our care.
5th grade and up join the main adult worship service.
Charis Community Church is a Gospel-Centered,
Church-Planting Church
No matter who you are or where you are coming from, you are welcome. Whether you are struggling with doubt or strong in your faith, you are welcome. If you have no church or religious background, or have been a part of a church your whole life, you are welcome. Our fundamental belief is that everyone needs Jesus, including us. Nobody needs Jesus more than we do, but everyone needs Jesus as much as we do. Charis is a community of good news for sinners who need a Savior.
Charis (pronounced "Care-Us"), is the Greek word for grace. We chose grace to describe our church, because God's grace is the best way to explain the undeserved, unmerited hope we have for loving God and loving our neighbors as God has commanded us. The sad reality is we all fall short of God's call to be perfect. Yet, God became human in the person of Jesus Christ. He was the only one in all of history to be perfectly full of grace and truth. His life was without sin and fully devoted to God. His death on a cross was sufficient to fully forgive all of our sin and end its power over us. And, his resurrection proved he, alone, was able to conquer death. Through Jesus' life, death, and resurrection, his life can now become your life. And, you can be increasingly like him. How? The grace of God.
The whole Christian life is lived by grace alone through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone...but not alone. God's grace has provided a community.
Community Church follows "Charis", because we are a community formed by God's grace. Another name for this community is church. The church is the ever-growing community of God that is formed around the grace of God through Jesus Christ. God has patterned the church after the life of Jesus. Therefore, the church is to sacrificially and generously serve one another, love one another, and encourage one another by pointing each person to the grace and truth of God. And, the church is to serve, love, and encourage our neighbors, co-workers, and complete strangers with the message and ministry of Jesus Christ.